50 mm Close Up w/ @subohm_turtles of Miami, FL
So while we were out at Vape Summit Houston with our friends over at @majorleaguevapers @brewellvapory @flaviesjuicybrew @mylkeliquids and @clarityliquids we had the chance to meet this lovely and beautiful young lady Daniela for a brief minute. We stepped outside of the madness to chopp it up for a bit and snapped some photos (below). We’ve had the pleasure of meeting a lot of people online, and it’s always refreshing to meet someone where they are more than what you see online. Let me tell you she is the sweetest petite little girl and so much more beautiful in person. I’ll shutup now so you can get to know her yourself.
I'm 19, turning 20 on October 24th.. So I guess you can say I'm 20 already. Female. I live in Miami, Florida... man it's hot here.
Do you think @big_smokes_502 is cute?
Looked him up, he doesn't really post many pictures of himself so I had to snoop around like a creep. He's adorable.
What’s your vape story?
My vape story. Okay well it all started a little over two years ago. As a teenager in high school you always have those friends that as soon as their parents go out of town, they throw parties and there's always drinking and smoking involved. One of those days I heard about how smoking cigarettes helps you sober up after you've been drinking. Long story short, I started picking up cigarettes every time I would go partying with friends. This was REALLY often. I have a couple of heavy smokers in my family, and I was completely aware of all the dangers that come along with smoking. But everyone was doing it so in my mind I just wanted to fit in, I guess. Vaping here in Florida wasn't at all the big of a deal it is today. Little egos and tanks was where it was at. Everyone would call them "Hookah Pens". The fact that they started coming out with cute little pink and purple ones with funky tips called my attention. So instead of continuing with the bad habit I decided to switch over to something new. As soon as I got a vape everyone at parties were like "WHAT, what is that?", "Can I try it" and then eventually little by little they all started getting vapes of their own. As time went by, vaping started becoming more complex and well, here we are.
Are you about that flavor life or clouds br(ah/uh)?
I'm kind of torn between the two... I mean I can't really blow 12 foot clouds, I'm a small girl, but I like seeing all the vape. Ehh okay fine I guess I'm more about that flavor life.
What crack juice will you always relapse for?
I think about this all the time, I used to be extremely obsessed with Unicorn Milk by Cuttwood. Now I'm just hopping around to find a new crack juice.
Who’s your go to builder?
My go-to builder is @miamisubohms. He knows what he's doing.
How has vaping made your life more awesome?
Vaping has definitely made my life more awesome in several ways. I feel that it has opened so many doors for me. I never expected to have this many followers on Instagram. I never expected for people to recognize me and know who I am when they see me out in public. I never really pictured myself traveling and getting the chance to meet all the amazing people I've met through vaping. Everyone is so nice in this industry. I hope it never changes.
If you were stuck on an island, what mod, juice, rda and what gauge wire would you bring?
If I were stuck on an Island, preferably Bora Bora, I would definitely bring my Petri mod by Dotmod, Gremlins Goo juice, Petri RDA by Dotmod, and 20g wire.
Hit us with your best pick up line?
Not mine but "Is that a mod in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? ;)"
What is the meaning of behind turtles?
I like turtles.
5 Things you couldn’t do without.
Sleep. My phone. My vape. My car. My hair Iron.
How is your hair always on point?
I was blessed by my parents. Lol no my hair isn't always on point :( Sometimes I wake up looking like a little troll. Shout out to my hair iron for always saving the day.
Finish the sentence
Growing up... I was bullied.
I am going to... crave pizza in the next 5 minutes.
Vaping changed…everything.
My daily grind...If you ain't talking money I don't wanna talk.
When no one is looking… I'm usually on Instagram.
I look and feel my best when…my makeup and hair are both on point. Ah gotta have my coffee every morning, if not... prepare for the worst.
I've been listening to…rap and trap like all the time
In 5 years I am going to…probably still be vaping, and traveling a lot more.
Tag a friend to feature and ask them a question
"How is your Instagram so perfect?"
What an amazing compliment!! I myself wouldn't call it perfect, but I try to make it as clean as possible. Clean, but have my character and creativity all over it. I'm humbled for someone to call it perfect, but even more so from a beautiful person such as @subohmturtles
Who do you want us to document next?
